The Severity of Pain during Hemorrhoidectomy under Local Anesthesia in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital
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Abstract: Introduction: Hemorrhoids is a common disease. Hemorrhoidectomy under local anesthesia was firstly reported by Clery AD since 1973, and in 1982 Nivatvongs S improved this surgical technique. Hemorrhoidectomy under local anesthesia reduced post-operative complication; urinary retention, but this technique is not well known in Thailand. Objective: To compare the severity of pain of hemorrhoidectomy under local anesthesia with other procedure under local anesthesia such as tooth extraction or normal labour. Patients and methods: We prospective studied 108 outpatients with hemorrhoids who came to general surgical, out patient unit, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital during 1 January and 31 December 2000. We recorded sex, age, diagnosis, underlying disease of the patients, number of hemorrhoidectomy per each surgeon, operative time, intraoperative pain, number of head of hemorrhoids, postoperative complication, and urinary retention. The end point at this study was to compare the severity of pain of hemorrhoidectomy under local anesthesia with other procedure under local anesthesia such as tooth extraction or normal labour. Statistical data used in this study were number and percentage. Results: Eighty percent of the patients in this study reported that they had less or the same level of pain from this hemorrhoidectomy technique than other procedures under local anesthesia. Conclusion: The severity of pain during hemorrhoidectomy under local anesthesia was not higher procedures procedure under local anesthesia. Therefore, this might be used as an alternative treatment of hemorrhoids.
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