The Relationship Between the Height of the Uterus and Pregnancy in Normal Pregnant Women at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital

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Vichai Tangnoi


A prospective study was undertaken in 993 pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital to assess the correlation of symphysis-fundal height and gestational age. A total of 1221 symphysis-fundal height measurements were arranged on the basis of 10th, 50th and 90th percentile. The symphysis-fundal height was well correlated with the gestational age by the correlation coefficient (r=0.98) and the correlation of determination (r2=0.96) the type of correlation was positive curvilinear relation and was best fit to the exponential equation of In (y) = 2.3601435 + 0.0375715x as well the parabola equation of

y = 10.6216769 + 0.3202591x + 0.01400374x2

            (where x = gestaional age, and y = symphysis-fundal height)

During the 17th and 36th week of gestation, the correlation of symphysis-fundal height and gestational age was well correlated in linear relationship and was fit to the equation

            y = 2.6698488 + 1.0198841x

            During these weeks, the increment of symphysis-fundal height was 1 cm. weekly and the gestational age can be simply calculated by adding 3 to the symphysis-fundal height measured. This is a simple, reliable and inexpensive method, eventhough it is not a precise diagnostic tool but it does provide an improvement on abdominal palpation in the prediction of abnormal fetal growth. An attempt to develop a normogram of symphysis-fundal height for our population was made.

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How to Cite
Tangnoi, V. (2024). The Relationship Between the Height of the Uterus and Pregnancy in Normal Pregnant Women at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 19(1), 63–78. retrieved from


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