Partograph implementation in Samutprakarn Hospital
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From a study of 795 consecutive labors, the Partograph was used to identified dysfunctional labor in 588 patients. The abnormal first stage of labor was identified in 137 patients or 23.30%. In this group, there was 88.32% of normal delivery, 8.76% of cesarean section and 1.46% of forceps extraction and vacuum extraction. A normal partograph resulted in normal delivery rate of 98.89% without cesarean section. The highest cesarean section rate was 31.81% in the patients whose the labor curve had crossed action lion. The patients whose the labor curve had crossed alert line had 3.95% of cesarean section 2.63% of vacuum extraction and 93.42% of normal delivery. The patients who had prolonged latent phase had 6.06% of cesarean section and 93.94% of normal delivery. Most of the abnormal labor was in primigravida.
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