Acute Segmental Gangrenous Enteritis

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Pichai Angklomkliew


A Summary review of 16 Children having acute segmental gangrenous enteritis admitted at Buriram hospital during April 1988 to April 1992 was reported. The common age group was ranged from 3 to 10 years old with the highest incidence seen in the rainy season (May – August). Symtoms identified were fever, abdominal pain. Abdominal distention. Vomitting. Stool were reddish brown color and had foul smell. Diagnostic measures included the clinical assessments and abnormal abdominal X-ray find ings such as paralytic ileus, thiekening bowel of air-fluid level in small bowel and normal large intestine. Conservative treatment was employed except those who did not improve within 24 – 48 hours, surgical expose laparotomy would be done. The etiology of this discase is unknoen our report revealed a mortality rate of 5%

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How to Cite
Angklomkliew , P. (2024). Acute Segmental Gangrenous Enteritis. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 16(2), 167–176. retrieved from