Comparison Outpatient local anesthesia for stapled to closed (Ferguson) hemorrhoidectomy in return to normal activity
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Introduction. Hemorthoid is the common disease among the general population.Longo A described circular stapled hemorrhoidectomy in 1993. There was no reported about return to normal activity of outpatient local anesthesia for stapled hemorrhoidectomy. Objective.To compare return to normal activity of outpatient local anesthesia for stapled with closed (Ferguson) hemorthoidectomy Patients and methods. We prospective purposive sampling in surgical patients of hemorrhoidal disease in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital during November 2000 and March 2001. Independent-blinded evaluator follow up postoperative patients at 1, 7, 14, 28 days after surgery. Statistical analysis were used mean, SD, %, 95% CI, Chi-square analysis with Yates correction or Fisher's exact test as appropriate, unpaired t-test(two tails) and survival analysis. Results and discussion. There was statistical significant of postoperative pain in stapled group less than conventional group. Stapled hemorrhoidectomy resulted clinical and statistical significant in shorter return to nomal activity, probably there was no morbidity from perianal wounds. Conclusion. Outpatient local anesthesia for stapled hemorrhoidectomy resulted clinical and statistical significant in shorter period of convalescence. This procedure should be the alternative treatment of hemorrhiodectomy.
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