Platelet gel in Mandibular Reconstruction on the use of Huma thrombin: A case report and review of literatures.

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Wiwat Chatwongwan
Worawan Kunotai
Manoon Leownorasate
Sasithorn Husawatee


Introduction : Recently platelet gel has undergone significant increase in use as an adhesive with cancellig bone particles in bone grafting procedures. It contains a number of different growth factors incluging platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) which enhance of bone graft healing and maturation. It improves the rate and density of bone formation. The tradimal method of platelet gel preparation involves isolating platelets with a cell separator, followed by gel formation using calcium chloride and bovine thrombin. This procedure has several disadvantages. The use of bovine thrombin has been associated with the development of antibodies against clotting and thrombin, resulting in the risk of life-threatening coagulopathy.

Material and Methods : Partial mandibulectomy was done in a patient with ameloblastoma atlef mandible. Immediated mandibular reconstruction was done using cortico-cancellous bone from posterior iliac crest. Platelet gel was prepared by using human thrombin and applied to bone graft. Results : No intra-operative and post-operative complications were found. The 4-month post-operative panoramic radiographic assessment revealed that the width of mandible at symphysis was 2.7 cm. and angle of mandible was 3.2 cm

Conclusion : The initial clinical fings suggested that human thrombin was a viable altemative to bovine thrombin in platelet gel producing technique.

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How to Cite
Chatwongwan , W., Kunotai , W., Leownorasate, M., & Husawatee , S. (2025). Platelet gel in Mandibular Reconstruction on the use of Huma thrombin: A case report and review of literatures. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 27(1), 49–58. retrieved from
Case Report


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