Imprint Cytology and Frozen Section in The Diagnosis of Breast Lesions การตรวจเซลล์โดยวิธีตัดแปะและวิธีการตรวจชิ้นเนื้อแช่แข็ง ในการวินิจฉัยรอยโรคของเต้านม
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Introduction: Frozen section has been accented as a high reliable procedure for intraoperative diagnosis. The accuracy varies with the type of tissue and experienced pathologists. Recently, the utlity of intraoperative imprint cytology becomes widely used because of its simplicity, rapidity and economy. Its accuracy is high, comparable to frozen section. The Department of Anatomical Pathology, Saraburi hospital has employed the two techniques on breast tissue submitted for intraoperative diagnosis. Objective: To compare the accuracy of frozen section and imprint cytology with permanent section for diagnosis of breast lesion. Materials and methods: From Apil 1997 to August 2003, one hundred and twenty three breast specimens submitted to department of Anatomical pathogy, Saraburi Hospital for intraoperative diagnoses were included into the study. All specimens, imprint and frozen section were carried out and the results were compared with the permanent sections. Those finding were used to find out accuracy, sensitivity, specity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of frozen section and imprint cytology. Results: Imprint cytology, as compared to permanent section, had 94.9% accuracy, 94.1% sensitivity, 96.9% specificity , 98.7% positive predictive value and 91.4% negative predictive value, while respective corresponding data for frozen section were 96.5%, 95.5%, 100%, 100%, and 91.8%. When intraoperative imprint cytology and frozen section were used together, it yielded 98.4% accuracy, 97.8% senstivity and 100% specificity. Conclusion: Both the frozen section technique and imprint cytology showed high accuracy rates. The imprint cytology conjunction with frozen section examination are ensuring accuracy in rapid tissue diagnosis of breast with more rapidity and more simplicity.
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