The Third National Survey on Bindness and Low Vision, conducted in 1994

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เทียนชัย พรหมภูเบศร์
สมชัย วงศ์เวชสวัสดิ์


The Third National Survey on Bindness and Low Vision, conducted in 1994, used sample groups that were selected from the whole country. The groups were weighted on the basis of probability proportional to size. A total of 52 districts from 18 provinces, numbering 30,841 people were collected. For analysis of the survey data, the July 1, 1994 population figure was estimated by projecting the 1990 national population census figures.

This survey concluded that age and sex specific blindness and low vision prevalences were 0.31% and 0.80% respectively. More females were affected when compared to males. Estimated numbers of the blind and those with low vision were 180,704 and 471.340 respectively.

Cataract accounted for the most common cause of visual impairment. Numbers of cataracts causing blindness and low vision were 134,903 amd 370,238 respectively.

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พรหมภูเบศร์ เ., & วงศ์เวชสวัสดิ์ ส. (2025). The Third National Survey on Bindness and Low Vision, conducted in 1994. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 22(1), 1–8. retrieved from
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