การประเมินผลการควบคุมโรคเบาหวานในชุมชนเขตเมืองจังหวัดกาฬสินธุ์ EVALUATION ON DIABETES MELLITUS CONTROL IN KALSIN URBAN COMMUNITIES

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ชลลดา บุษยรัตน์


An evaluatory study was carried out in Kalasin urban communities to evaluate the control activities of diabetes mellitus at community health center and hospital levels. Population participating in this study consist of 120 urban health volunteers, 18 health officers, 303 diabetic patients and 72 community organizers. Data was collected by using questionaires, focus group discussion format for data extraction from OPD card, observation and interview. Data was analyzed by using Epi info program. The result showed that there were 5 volunteers responsible for health in every community ; most health volunteers (78.2%) were regularly given health education. There were 20 (83.3%), 18 (75.0%) and 3 (12.5%) community health offices with urine strips, sphygmograph meters and health education media respectively. The health volunteers who performed activities of health education, urine examination, blood pressure examination, patient follow up and reflectors of patients to health center or hospital were 25.5%, 67.3%, 58.2%,33.6% and 40.0% respectively. The Knowledge of health volunteers were evaluate
result showed that 58.2% of health volunteer were good and 41.8% were fair. At DM clinic of Kalasin hospital the result show that the ratios of doctors. nurses and laboratory officers to number of patients were 1:65.5, 1:65.5 and 1:43.7 respectively. Sulfonyl urea was used as the most common hypoglycemic drug (77.8%). Investigations to detection complications of diabetes were performed in 6.2% for opthalmological examination, 20.6% for BUN and Creatinine and 19.1% for Cholesterol level. Health education was given to 48.7% of patients. concerning the knowledge of the patient about diabctes mellitus, it revealed that 51.3% of the patients were good and 48.7 % were fair. The level of control of blood glucose level, there were 21.7% with good control, 28.9% with fair and 49.5% were in condition of bad control. At the Urban health center, the result showed that the ratios of doctors and nurse to number of patients were 1:20 and 1:6.3 respectively. Sulfonyl urea was used as the most common hypoglycemic drug (90.4%). There was no ophthalmological examination, BUN and Creatinine and Cholesterol level were performed in 9.5% and 4.7% respectively. Health education were given to 100% of the patients. On evaluating the patients knowledge it showed that 65.2% of the patients were good and 34.8% were fair. There were 47.6% with good control, 28.9% with fair and 49.5% were in condition of bad control. At the Urban health center, the result showed that the ratios of doctors and nurse to number of patients were 1:20 and 1:6.3 respectively. Sulfonyl urea was used as the most common hypoglycemic drug (90.4%). There was no ophthalmological examination, BUN and Creatinine and Cholesrerol level were performed in 9.5% and 4.7% respectively. Health education were given to 100% of the patients. On evaluating the patients knowledge it showed that 65.2% of the patients were good and 34.8% were fair. There were 47.6% with good control, 30.3% with moderately good and 19.1% were in condition of bad control.The researchers concluded that control of diabetes mellitus was important activities in every level of health service. Effective health information management was necessary to improve health care for such chronic disease of the people.

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How to Cite
บุษยรัตน์ ช. (2025). การประเมินผลการควบคุมโรคเบาหวานในชุมชนเขตเมืองจังหวัดกาฬสินธุ์ EVALUATION ON DIABETES MELLITUS CONTROL IN KALSIN URBAN COMMUNITIES. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 20(3), 399–418. retrieved from https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MNRHJ/article/view/2656


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