Lifestyle Medicine


  • Krisada Sirichaisit
  • Tanisa Anuyahong


Lifestyle Medicine, Non-communicable diseases, Behavior change, Medical technology


Lifestyle Medicine is a medical field that emphasizes the prevention and treatment of diseases, utilizing scientific evidence or observational evidence to modify individuals' and communities' behaviors and lifestyles. It comprises six core pillars: nutrition and diet, physical activity, stress management, quality sleep, avoidance of substance abuse such as smoking and alcohol consumption, and fostering positive social relationships. Its goal is to promote health and prevent chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), including helping individuals with NCDs to revert from poor health status to normalcy by addressing the underlying causes of these health issues.

Currently, Lifestyle Medicine is increasingly recognized due to studies and research demonstrating its benefits in reducing the risk of various NCDs such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer. This approach focuses on empowering patients to take more responsibility for their health. It includes medical consultation and supportive care in a friendly and proactive manner to enable sustainable and effective changes in behaviors and lifestyles. Therefore, the success of Lifestyle Medicine depends on patient engagement, support from healthcare providers, and access to essential resources.




How to Cite

Sirichaisit, K. ., & Anuyahong, T. (2024). Lifestyle Medicine. Journal of Health Promotion and Environmental Health Research Health Promotion Centre 8 Udon Thani, 1(4), 1–12. Retrieved from