The Development Model of Participation to Prevent Road Traffic Accident by Engaging of Home, Temple, and Government Nong Han Sub-district, Udonthani
Development Model, Participatory, Road Traffic AccidentAbstract
This action research were to development Model of Participation to Prevent Road Traffic Accident by Engaging of Home, Temple, and Government Nong Han Sub-district, Udonthani. The study consisted of 3 phases: 1) Plan 2) Action
3) Observation and reflection. A multi-stage target group and a simple random was used to selected the 376 target group, including member of Home, Temple, and Government. The questionnaires were examined for the validity by the expert. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was employed for verifying the reliability. The data collection included both qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive data: frequency, percentage mean, and standard deviation; and content analysis was used for qualitative data. Results of this study were as follows:
- Factor of Road Traffic Accident, Nong Han Sub-District, Udonthani: found that the Personal and Environment.
- The development model consisted of 3 components; (1) Policy
(2) Personal and (3) Environment. - The evaluation of Development Model Prevent Road Traffic Accident Nonghan sub-district, Udonthani revealed that in the overall average of appropriate and possibility were at the high level ( = 4.59 SD = 0.85)
Conclusion: The success factor of this model is having a clear policy, integrating the participation of network partners and Enforcement the law.