The Development of Model for Post-operative Care in Recovery room at Kumphawapi Hospital, Udonthani
Development , Post-operative Care in Recovery roomAbstract
The purposes of research were to create the development of Model for Post-operative Care in Recovery room at Kumphawapi Hospital, Udonthani. The study consisted of 4 phases: 1) Plan 2) Action 3) Observation and 4) reflection. A simple random was used to selected the multidisciplinary teams target group consisting of Anesthesiologist, Nurse Anesthetist and Nurse Aide. The questionnaires were examined for the validity by the expert. The Cranbach’s alpha coefficient was employed for verifying the reliability and it was 0.88 The data collection included both qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive data: frequency, percentage mean, and standard deviation. Results of this study were as follows:
Phase 1 Situation of Post-operative Care in Recovery at Kumphawapi Hospital, Udonthani. found that not comprehensive implementation of practice. lack of Assessment and monitoring, Symptom management, Record and Discharge.
Phase 2 The development model consisted of 4 components. (1 ) Assessment and monitoring (2 ) Symptom management (3 ) Nursing Documentation and (4) Discharge to ward
Phase 3 and 4 The evaluation of the Model for Post-operative Care in Recovery room at Kumphawapi Hospital, Udonthani. revealed that in the overall average of appropriate and possibility were at the high level ( = 4.58) and all items were at the high level. The assessment of satisfaction the multidisciplinary team was satisfied with the high level ( = 4.80) and the satisfaction of patients and care givers toward the system was also at the high level. It was agreed that the Model for Post-operative Care in Recovery room was appropriate for using in the organization.