Improving the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the adult intensive care unit: Experience in Banpong hospital; Ratchaburi Province


  • Saowaluck Eamlaor Banpong Hospital


Quality Improvement, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, critical patients


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in critical patients admitted to the Critical Care Unit in a timely and effective manner. It is an important factor affecting the survival of the patient. Relevant medical personnel and nurses, if they act together effectively in a team and provide systematic care for the patient with standardized care, the survival rate of patients is higher without complications. This article aims to present experience in improving the quality of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in adult intensive care units, In Ban Pong Hospital. In the past, it was found that critically ill patients with cardiac arrest from the ward when transferred into the ICU had repeated cardiac arrest and had a very low survival rate. Therefore, there has been an idea for the development of skills and processes related to advance cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the adult intensive care unit. By developing in 5 steps which are 1) Developing surveillance guidelines Prevention and Treatment of Preventive Cardiac Arrest. 2) Developing a rapid response from Buddy's team within the hospital. 3) Development of knowledge and skills of personnel for effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation 4) Development of efficient use of various resources 5) Continuous supervision system and teamwork result.  It found that during the year 2018 - 2020, the survival rate after cardiopulmonary resuscitation tended to increase every year.  That is, in 2017, it was 20.75% in 2018, it was 23.08 %. and in 2020, it was 30.0%. It showed that the survival rate after resuscitation tended to increase every year.


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How to Cite

Eamlaor S. Improving the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the adult intensive care unit: Experience in Banpong hospital; Ratchaburi Province. Acad Nursing J Chakriraj [internet]. 2021 Jan. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];1(1):1-9. available from:



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