Integrating the principle of Supuristham in the administration of Samphan hospital leaders, Nakhon Pathom Province


  • Oranich Chayantaradilok Nakhonpathom Provincial Public Health Office
  • Phra Thanat Vaddhano (Butrasawad) Wat Mai Charoen Phon, Kanchanaburi Province


Sapurisatham, Administration, Samphran Hospital


This qualitative research aimed to study the concept of administration theory, administration, and integration of the leaders in Samphran Hospital. Nakhon Pathom province, and analysis of the integration of the Supurisatham  principle in the administration of Samphran hospital leaders. Nakhon Pathom Province. Data were collected using the information from the Buddhist documents and In-depth interview for the leaders of Samphran Hospital. Nakhon Pathom Province. Data were analyzed using content analysis. The results revealed that Samphran Hospital leaders had integrated all 7 aspects of the Supuristham principle, but it was not obvious. With the secret or mixed with the various information provide by Samphran Hospital,  If to perfect the integration of the Supurisatham principle Samphran Hospital leader. It should truly study the Supurisatham principle in order to further integrate, use appropriately and achieve sustainable benefits.


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How to Cite

Chayantaradilok O, Butrasawad T. Integrating the principle of Supuristham in the administration of Samphan hospital leaders, Nakhon Pathom Province. Acad Nursing J Chakriraj [internet]. 2021 Jan. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];1(1):89-98. available from:



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