The level of health behavior according to the 3O 2S , and the hygiene behavior of each age population group , Dontoom district , Nakhon Pathom Province in 2020
Health Behavior, 3O 2S, Hygiene Behavior, each age population groupAbstract
The objectives of the study were to examine the level of health behavior according to the 3O 2S, and the hygiene behavior of each age population group, Dontoom district, Nakhon Pathom Province in 2020, The samples were 1758 people. A set of questionnaires was used for data collection. Data analysis was performed using frequency and percentage. The findings showed that in the age of 1 - 4 years and 5 – 14 years, most of them had a healthy diet except fruits and vegetables. They had also normal physical and emotional behavior. Whereas personal hygiene behavior was not normal. Especially, eating with a personal spoon and washing their hands with soap before meals. On the other hand, in the age of 15-19 years and 20-59 years, they didn’t have a healthy diet. Especially, sweet, salty, and oily. Moreover, having fruits and vegetables was less. In the part of physical and emotional behavior which was not normal because of finding smoking 20%. Personal hygiene behavior, they had done normally except using a personal spoon and washing their hands with soap before meals. In the age over 60 years, showed that they had a controlling healthy diet, not sweet, salty, or oily. They also had fruits and vegetables quite well. In the part of physical and emotional behavior which was not normal because of finding smoking and drinking alcohol 10.00%. Whereas personal hygiene behavior was not normal.
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