Drug Addiction Bchavior and Related Factors among Grade 9 and 11 Students of Secondary Schools in Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Thanapong Jinvong
Pisamai Amataravong


A survey study was done on the problem size and related factors of drug addiction among grade 9 and 11 students of secondary schools involving 27 (24.8%) from 109 schools by using self-administered questionnaires (without name specified). Data from 5,627 boys and 7,071 girls were collected. The study revealed that 9.4 and 16.3% of grade 9 and 11boys had used amphetamines and 2.6 and 4.5% were still addicted, respectively. Zero point five and 0.7% of grade 9 and 11 girls had used amphetamines. It was observed that 37.0 and 43.0% of grade 9 and 11 boys had smoked cigarettes and 10.0 and 17.8% still smoked, respectively. Furthermore, 14% of grade 9 boys and 22% of grade 11 boys had drunk alcohol. Prominent factors related to amphetamine addiction were as follows: smoking, drinking, night life, non-awareness of school policy and activities, wrong attitude towards amphetamine addiction (amphetamines do no harm). Other factors included living in student apartments, high expense/income and age level. It was also revealed that one third of boys has no knowledge of school activities or had knowledge but were not interested in them. Thirty percent of students suggested that these activities were not enough and should be improved. Therefore, to aid in solving drug addiction problems, not only should risk factors be decreased, but also appropriate activities should be adjusted especially for those living in student apartments.

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How to Cite
Jinvong, T., & Amataravong, P. (2024). Drug Addiction Bchavior and Related Factors among Grade 9 and 11 Students of Secondary Schools in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 25(1), 1–10. retrieved from https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MNRHJ/article/view/2180
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