Antibiotics in Near Drowning Patients
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Althouh prophylactic antibiotics are not recommended for near-drowning victims, in some instance,antibiotics may be life saving treatment. Objective. To find out the conditions that antibiotics may be used as prophylaxis and which ones are appropriate. Methods. A retrospective review was undertaken of near-drowning patients (1994 through 1997). All were classified by clinical sign on admission as class A, B or C. Sex, age, admission day and bacterial culture results were analyzed together with result of treatment. Results. Class A and B patients were found to be low risk of infection and mortality. Most of class C patients were infected. Sputum and blood culture results were gram negative bacilli which were susceptible to prophylactic antibiotics used, ceftazidime and co-trimoxazole. Conclusion. Antibiotic prophylaxis may be appropriate in class C and ceftazidime together with co-trimoxazole are suitable pairs for Buriram Province near-drowning patients.
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