Travel, HALAL, COVID-19Abstract
The spread of COVID-19 has resulted in decreasing income from international tourists in Thailand. boosting the quantity of new tourists Muslim tourists are present in every group of tourists from various nations. Directly including those from Muslim countries. The restoration of relations between Thailand and Saudi Arabia, in particular, has had a very significant impact on the resurgence of Thai tourism. Tourists with purchasing power, particularly those from Muslim nations, tend to travel swiftly. Both traveling with a group of friends traveling alone and traveling with family that most people prefer to travel together.Its goal is to unwind, explore, and learn about the local culture. The government should emphasize this issue, especially since halal tourism is one of the fastest growing types of tourism and is gaining international attention as one of the world's top tourist destinations. to attract Muslim tourists to Thailand Tourism entrepreneurs must be conversant with and understand the Muslim way of life in accordance with Islamic ideals. to produce goods or services that meet the needs of Muslim guests
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