
  • วิไรรัตน์ สังทองหลาง Hotel, Restaurant and Event Course, College of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Nakhon Phanom University
  • จารุวรรณ ใบอุดม Hotel, Restaurant and Event Course, College of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Nakhon Phanom University
  • ปรีดารี ศิริรัตน์ Hotel, Restaurant and Event Course, College of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Nakhon Phanom University


Service marketing mix, Isan restaurant, After the COVID-19 pandemic, Customer behavior, Nakhon Phanom province


Aim of the research was to study factors influencing customers on selection of Isan restaurants in Nakhon Phanom city after the COVID-19 pandemic. A quantitative research method was used to survey a group of 400 Thai customers who had experienced in Isan restaurants in Nakhon Phanom city. The results of the research found that Marketing mix the top 5 factors influencing on selection of Isan restaurant were the physical component related to cleanliness (4.180), the process of service factor (4.135), the clarity of price (4.130), the physical component related to atmosphere and the design of the restaurant with good ventilation. In conclusion, after the COVID-19 pandemic, the factors that customers emphasizing on Isan restaurants selection are physical components and customer’s service provision. The conclusions from the research results can be apply entrepreneurs as information for the development of related products and services. Finally incorporating concepts into designing restaurant products and services to meet the needs of customers after the COVID-19 pandemic are the keys success. Managing of competitiveness and reduce investment risks, which will result in the chances of successful in service business.

Author Biographies

วิไรรัตน์ สังทองหลาง, Hotel, Restaurant and Event Course, College of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Nakhon Phanom University

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จารุวรรณ ใบอุดม, Hotel, Restaurant and Event Course, College of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Nakhon Phanom University

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