Cultural symbols : Buddhist symbolism and job creation in the changing social and cultural context


  • Panchat Inkong Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi


symbol, culture, Buddhism


cultural symbol especially Buddhist symbols when used in creation Or accompanying the product should be created in the correct and appropriate context, both in terms of meaning and form that is expressed to society. to create a common understanding of people in society
By considering cultural stories and stories that can be used together with general products. And there are differences in use in different situations as well. If cultural symbols are used in conjunction with products in an appropriate context according to the issues mentioned in the content above, there will be a positive impact on society. Therefore, design and creative approaches should be planned with analysis. to deepen the patterns and effects resulting from the production of holistic works the designer and creator of the work must study the information related to each culture in order to be able to design works that are suitable for the characteristics of Thai society. Especially businesses that apply cultural knowledge and wisdom to create work should strictly control and pay attention to the design and production process. problem arising from the production Is a problem related to the production of products that are against the practice of Thai society by Which designers and creators who are designing products need to always study the story that will be used in the product clearly first. In order to be able to practice designing and creating stories that are suitable for the Thai society and culture to the consumers in the society. which guidelines for creating products or other creative works


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