
  • Nutthan Inkhong Doctor of Philosophy Program in Art Performance and Digital Arts Communication, School of Liberal Arts, Metrarath University
  • Patcharin Romphochuen Bachelor of Fine and Applied Arts (Performing Arts), Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University


opportunities in crisis, choirs singing, elderly, social media


The outbreak of Coronavirus Disease, or COVID-19, that occurred in 2019 is a serious situation and has a worldwide impact. People in society have to change their behavior in their daily lives. Especially during a severe crisis, people are confined to their homes. For this reason, social media is used as a means of communication or as a space for joint activities. The practice of choir singing for the elderly using social media is one of many joint activities carried out, divided into two sections: (1) the practice of choir singing through the Zoom meeting program and (2) the recording of a video clip of choir singing by mobile and sending it via the LINE application. Both activities are new forms designed to make activities consistent with the conditions and able to reach the set goals. Outcomes of these activities are the development of choir singing skills in the elderly that differ from the predicted outcomes; the development of 21st-century skills in the elderly; and the enhancement of the mental well-being of the elderly. These outcomes are the opportunities in a crisis arising from the practice of choir singing for the elderly through social media. With the situation of COVID-19, the use of social media has changed people's behaviors. Many elders have a greater understanding of and access to social media, and they become more confident in learning about things around them and being open to new technologies to adapt to life and develop themselves in the future. 


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