Caring for the elderly with long-term dependence in the epidemic situation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Banlat District, Phetchaburi Province


  • Ladawan Ruangaram Banlad Hospital


Elderly with long-term dependence, Elderly caregiver at home, Local care volunteers, Coronavirus disease 2019


         This mixed methods research aims to study the ability to provide care, factors predicting the ability o care, problems, obstacles, and the need for assistance in taking care of elderly with long-term dependence during the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019. The sample group consisted of 155 home care workers and 13 local care volunteers. The instruments used for data collection were Including knowledge, attitudes interviews towards caring for dependent elderly people, self-efficacy social support, ability to care for the elderly, In-depth interviews for elderly caregivers ,and group discussion points for local care volunteer groups which was checked for content validity by 3 experts and obtained an index of consistency (IOC) between .67 -1.00  and confidence values equal to .80, .91, .86, .93, and .90, respectively. Data analysis using descriptive statistics Stepwise multiple regression analysis and content analysis

        It was found that elderly caregivers at home had a moderate level of caregiving ability at 60% (gif.latex?\bar{X} = 91.3, S.D. = 18.65), factors predicted to the ability to care for elderly include social support, knowledge of caring for elderly with long-term dependence, attitudes towards caring for elderly with long-term dependence, and empowerment visits from public health officials. Together they can predict 56.10% in the ability to care for the elderly with long-term dependence. Most elderly caregivers at home have complex obstacles and limitations in providing care as for local care volunteers, they were quite capable of taking care of the elderly with long-term dependence and could support elderly caregivers at home to take care of more elderly with long-term dependence at home.             


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How to Cite

Ruangaram L. Caring for the elderly with long-term dependence in the epidemic situation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Banlat District, Phetchaburi Province. Acad Nursing J Chakriraj [internet]. 2023 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];3(2):E000560. available from:



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