Evaluation of the epidemiological surveillance system (report 506) of scrub typhus in Thailand


  • Prapapan Meetham The Center of Vector Borne Disease Control 10.2 Mukdahan Province
  • Paphanij Suangtho Division of AIDS and STIs
  • Tanaporn Toothong Division of Vector Borne Diseases
  • Sunsanee Rojanapanus Division of Vector Borne Diseases
  • Piyaporn Wangroongsarb Division of Vector Borne Diseases
  • Darin Areechokchai Office of the Senior Expert Committee


Evaluation of the surveillance system, Scrub typhus disease, Thailand


Scrub typhus is vector borne disease. Most doctors diagnose diseases based on symptoms that are similar to many diseases. Scrub typhus situation has increasing since 2013, so the objective of this study aims to know the reporting process, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of scrub typhus surveillance system. The highest and lowest morbidity rates Provincial hospitals in Thailand were selected. Eight hospital locations selection include Mae Hong Son, Lamphun, Sisaket, Sakon Nakhon, Sukhothai, Nakhon Pathom, Surat Thani and Satun. Medical records’s out partient and inpartient departments were review. Passive cases from January 1 - December 31, 2019 with signs and symptoms of Scrub Typhus definition were included. Data comparison between the Epidemiological Surveillance Report System (R506) and interview information from responsible doctors, nurses and staff were conducted, during the same period. The sensitivity of disease reporting was quite low, There were changing diagnosis were not report in the system. The positive forecasting value was in the moderate range.The R506 database timely reported was high level.The completeness and accuracy of data quality is high.Reporting of disease in the R506 system, The data is consistent with the medical record, that representative the population. The qualitative assessment result show that scrub typhus was accepted in personal, according to awareness and R506 system report requirement under event base surveillance system criteria. The system is flexible and user-friendly, but it may take a long time because of waiting for the doctor's medical record summary. Personnel can record information on behalf of each other. Information from surveillance is useful for disease surveillance and prevention and control. Rapid diagnosis test results should include in patient definitions. Primary and co-infection should include to the port, in order to be consistent with the actual practice in the hospital and sensitivity increasing.


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How to Cite

Meetham P, Suangtho P, Toothong T, Rojanapanus S, Wangroongsarb P, Areechokchai D. Evaluation of the epidemiological surveillance system (report 506) of scrub typhus in Thailand. jodpc12sk [internet]. 2024 Jan. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];1(2):21-3. available from: https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jodpc12sk/article/view/203



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