Knowledge, Attitudes, and Preventive Practices Regarding Corona Virus Disease 2019 among Thai and Myanmar Cargo Drivers at the Mae Sai Border Point of Entry, Chiang Rai Province
cargo drivers, knowledge, attitudes, preventive practices, corona virus disease 2019Abstract
The cross-sectional study aimed to study knowledge, attitudes, and preventive practices regarding corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) among 167 Thai and Myanmar cargo drivers at the Mae Sai Border Point of Entry. Samples were selected by using simple sampling technique. The tool used as questionnaire to measure knowledge of COVID-19, preventive practices, and attitude about prevention measures of COVID-19. The reliability of questionnaires was 0.70, 0.73, and 0.85 respectively. Data analyzed by descriptive statistics. The findings showed 70 Thai drivers had a median age 42 years (IQR=33-50), were married 70.66%, finished secondary school education 44.91%, and earned a median family income 20,000 THB per month (IQR=11,000-25,000). The knowledge of COVID-19 was the most level, attitudes of COVID-19 was medium level and the preventive practices was the most correct level. Of 97 Myanmar drivers had a median age 37 years (IQR=31-45), were married 80.41%, finished secondary school education 47.42%, and earned a median family income 6,500 THB per month (IQR=5,400-9,000). The knowledge of COVID-19 was medium level, attitudes of COVID-19 was medium level, and the preventive practices was the most correct level. This study concluded that Myanmar and Thai cargo drivers should always receive knowledge and information about COVID-19 to get correct knowledge, reveal good attitudes, and perform preventive practices.
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