The Effects of an Oral Health Promotion Program using Motivational Interviewing with Demonstration among Teenagers Smoking in Phlapphlachai Pittayakom School, Buriram Province

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Sunapa Sirisuwanlacha


Oral health contributes to a person's good physical and mental health. At the same time, if there was a problem in oral health it may be the cause of health problems throughout the system. Especially teenagers who smoke would have problems with dental plaque and the accumulation of dental plaque and tartar were Increases. This research was a quasi-experimental study with one group pretest-posttest. The purpose of study was to compare the average of knowledge scores, the average of oral health care behavior, and plaque index in before and after receiving a program of promote oral health care among teenagers who smoke in Phlapphlachai Pittayakom School, Buriram Province, Buriram Province. The 40 teenage students were samples and they were according to the inclusion criteria. The data were collected by the knowledge assessment about oral health problems, oral health care behaviors and recording the plaque index and the data were collected between June and September, 2023. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and paired t-tests to compare the means before and after program.   

The results showed that after finishing the oral health promotion program, the mean score of the knowledge assessment about oral health problems and the mean score of the oral health care behavior in after higher than before, significantly (P<.01, P<0.01), and the percentage of plaque index in after lower than before significantly (P<.01).  Therefore, this program can be helps the teenage students had knowledge and oral health care behaviors for good oral health, These was to reduce the effects of smoking, but there should be long-term follow-up.

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How to Cite
Sirisuwanlacha, S. . (2024). The Effects of an Oral Health Promotion Program using Motivational Interviewing with Demonstration among Teenagers Smoking in Phlapphlachai Pittayakom School, Buriram Province. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 26(1), 44–55. retrieved from
Author Biography

Sunapa Sirisuwanlacha, Phlapphlachai Hospital

D.D.S   Dental department


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