The Developing of a Referral System for the Patients with Obstetric Emergency, Nam-Yuen Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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Jiratchaya Larpmoon


Obstetric nursing is a nursing cares for patients from pregnancy until childbirth, namely the first stage, during and after of labor, every stage is at risk of emergencies at any time. This study is a research and development, the purpose to 1) study the situation of the patients with emergency obstetric and the referral system at Nam-Yuen Hospital, 2) develop a referral system for the patients with emergency obstetric, 3) use a referral system for the patients with emergency obstetric, and 4) study the results of using the referral system for the patients with emergency obstetric. The samples for first and second phases were 16 personnels involved in referral, third and fourth phases were 34 patients with emergency obstetric according to the inclusion-exclusion criteria. The research tools for first phase include focus group questions, the concept PDCA for developing and the knowledge assessment of nursing care and referring patients the emergency obstetric for second phase, the patients with emergency obstetric for third phase, and a form for record the number of times arriving at the referral point within 10 minutes and complaints for third phase, and fourth phase includes a satisfaction assessment form. Data were collected between May to December 2023. The descriptive statistics and paired t-test for data analyzed.

The results of the research found that: first phase; Nam Yuen Hospital didn't have a standardized referral system, and the nurses lack the knowledge and skills to nursing care for the patients with emergency obstetric that refer. Second phase; a system for referring of the patients with emergency obstetric, it consists of operational guidelines for each personnel, referral criteria for host hospitals criteria, follow-up and evaluation of patients with emergency obstetric, and the after training mean score of nursing care and referring patients the emergency obstetric was significantly higher than before training (p < .01). Third phase; after developing the system about rate of arrival at the referral point within 10 minutes and complaints significantly decreased (p < .01). Forth phase; mean score of the patients with emergency obstetrics satisfied to the referral system at the highest level ( = 4.79, S.D. = 0.38). Therefore, Nam Yuen Hospital should continue to use this referral system for the patients with obstetric emergency

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How to Cite
Larpmoon, J. . (2024). The Developing of a Referral System for the Patients with Obstetric Emergency, Nam-Yuen Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani Province. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 26(1), 141–153. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Jiratchaya Larpmoon, Nam-Yuen Hospital

B.N.S. Delivery Room Department


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