Nursing Care of Patients Stroke in the Young: 2 Comparative Case Studies

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Punyanut Koking


Stroke in young adults is a neurological disease caused by abnormalities in cerebral blood vessels. It can result from cerebral artery stenosis, embolism from other sources such as the heart, or cerebral hemorrhage leading to blood accumulation. These events cause brain tissue compression, edema, and damage, impairing function. If brain tissue suffers severe damage, patients may experience permanent disability or death. Therefore, accurate patient assessment, prompt nursing care, close symptom monitoring, and preventing complications from the initial admission phase through the continuous care phase and discharge phase are crucial to ensure patient safety and reduce disease severity.

Objective: To study and compare nursing care for stroke patients in two young adults.

Methodology: Two case studies were purposively selected from young adult stroke patients admitted to the Special Medical Ward at Yasothon Hospital between February 23, 2024, and May 31, 2024.

Results: The study found that 1) both cases received antiplatelet medication and treatment for their underlying conditions. There were 9 similar nursing diagnoses and 2 different ones between the cases. 2) Nursing interventions addressed patient-specific problems, including monitoring for increased intracranial pressure, complications from antiplatelet medication, muscle tension pain, phlebitis, anxiety, insomnia, hyperglycemia, and prevention of complications such as falls, aspiration, pressure ulcers, joint stiffness, and shoulder dislocation. Patients and relatives also received education on post-discharge care. Both patients were treated according to their needs and problems until their conditions improved. They were discharged after 10 days with a follow-up appointment scheduled for one month later.

Conclusion: Stroke in young adults is a critical condition that threatens the patient's life. Assessment of symptom changes, monitoring for complications, and problem-solving from the initial admission, continuation, and discharge phases ensure patient safety, including rehabilitation and comprehensive discharge planning, so that patients and their families are ready to return to a near-normal life and can prevent recurrence.

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How to Cite
Koking, P. (2024). Nursing Care of Patients Stroke in the Young: 2 Comparative Case Studies. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 26(2), 57–73. retrieved from
Author Biography

Punyanut Koking, Medical Nursing Division, Yasothon hospital



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