Nursing Care of Patients with Lumbar Fractures and Spinal Cord Injuries Who Have Undergone Surgery: Case Study Compare 2 Case

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Suchanan Khotsombat


Lumbar spinal injuries and spinal cord injuries are acute conditions that are serious injuries and are major health problems resulting in the body’s movement. Perception of sensations is impaired. It is the result of the spinal nerve being damaged. This will cause pain to radiate along the compressed nerve. There is weakness in the legs which has an impact on health, causing loss of lift, disability, long treatment periods, and patient discomfort from pain or death from complications of the disease. The goal of treatment in the first phase of this group of patients is to reduce the death rate and reduce additional injuries of the spinal cord together with prevention of complications and continuous care with the ultimate goal of keeping patients safe. Physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and without any disability. So that patients can return to society as quickly as possible and have a good quality of life.

Objective: This is a comparative study of two case studies of the nursing care of patients with lumbar spinal fractures and spinal cord injuries who had undergone surgery.

Methods: Two purposive care studies were selected from patients with lumbar spinal fractures and spinal cord injuries. Surgery was admitted to Yasothon Hospital between March 2024 and June 2024. Data were collected from medical records and statistics of Yasothon Hospital. Case studies were analyzed using Gordon's health perception model and patient care using nursing processes and Orem's nursing theory.

Results: In both case studies, it was found that 1) patients with lumbar spinal fractures and spinal cord injuries who received surgery 2 cases had the same 7 diagnoses and 1 different diagnosis. 2) Received nursing care was consistent with the problems, including, Neurogenic Bowel, Neurogenic Bladder, pain management, patient and relative anxiety, risk of complications in each system, care and prevention of pressure sores, and discharge planning. Received care according to the problems and needs of each patient until symptoms improved, discharged, and scheduled a follow-up appointment in 1 month.

Conclusion: Patients with lumbar spinal fractures and spinal cord injuries who received surgery have various life-threatening critical conditions. Monitoring and solving problems at every stage of care will keep patients safe. Nurses therefore play an important role in assessing and monitoring changes in symptoms, preventing complications, and planning nursing care that covers physical, mental, emotional, social, and family aspects, as well as continuous care when patients return to society.

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How to Cite
Khotsombat, S. . (2024). Nursing Care of Patients with Lumbar Fractures and Spinal Cord Injuries Who Have Undergone Surgery: Case Study Compare 2 Case. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 26(2), 74–90. retrieved from
Author Biography

Suchanan Khotsombat, Yasothon hospital



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