Nursing Care for Ischemic Stroke Patients during the Rehabilitation Period: 2 Comparative Cases

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Lalana Ruamthum


Ischemic stroke is a severe neurological disease often found in the elderly. Nowadays, it is found in increasing numbers of adults of working age. Each year, approximately 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke. On average every 6 seconds, at least 1 person dies from a stroke. It is the second leading cause of death in the world.

Objectives: The studies and compare nursing care for ischemic stroke patients during the rehabilitation period. Two comparison cases.

Method: The analysis of the situation of Ischemic stroke patients in the rehabilitation period. Select 2 specific case studies, treatment beds in the Stroke Unit and special medicine ward, Yasothon Hospital from 1 March 2024 to 30 June 2024.

Results: The study found that 1) Case Study 1: A 76-year-old Thai woman comes to the hospital with weakness in her left limb, slurred speech, and a distorted face. The 7 hours before coming to the hospital, she received antiplatelet medication. A progressive stroke was found 30 minutes later, she had more weakness in the left limb. Watch out for high intracranial pressure and pneumonia from aspiration. Antibiotics were given and fed through a tube. She can’t walk and has motor power in her left upper 1/lower grade 2, right grade 5 all, Refer back to the community hospital for intermediate care, the number of bed days was 14 days, and the follow-up appointment was 1 month. 2) Case Study 2: A 49-year-old Thai man came with weakness in his left arm, slurred speech, and crooked mouth. 5 hours before coming to the hospital, he received antiplatelet medication. Diabetic diagnosed and high blood fat feeding through a tube for the first 3 days, eating by mouth. Can walk using crutches, motor power left upper 1/lower grade 3, right grade 5 all, sold for relief, number of bed days were 19 days, follow-up appointment 2 wks. 3) Two case studies total 12 nursing diagnoses, 9 of which were the same, and 3 were different. They received care from the initial admission period, continuation period, and discharge period. There is rehabilitation comprehensive distribution planning until being able to control and prevent various complications.

Conclusion: Both case studies had ischemic stroke and provided care from the first period of admission, continuing phase, discharge phase, monitoring, and prevention of various complications. There is a systematic process for rehabilitating patients. Comprehensive distribution planning As a result, the patient's condition gradually improved, and discharged, go back and live with family.

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How to Cite
Ruamthum, L. (2024). Nursing Care for Ischemic Stroke Patients during the Rehabilitation Period: 2 Comparative Cases. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 26(2), 104–121. retrieved from
Author Biography

Lalana Ruamthum, Medical Nursing Division, Yasothon hospital



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