The Effect of patient caring training program in village health volunteers on knowledge and self-care behaviors of diabetes patients in Yo primary care unit

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Siraprapa Sittapanich
Jiraporn Khosookh
Kanjana chaiyamart
Madee Khansamrit


Village health volunteers were the first doctors close to the community and they are provide
the diabetic patients can be able to care with themselves. The R&D research included quasi
experimental design in the phase 3. Aim were 1) study the situation of village health volunteers and
diabetes patients, 2) develop the village health volunteers capacity to be able to provide diabetes
patients, 3) study the outcomes of caring training for village health volunteers in provide to diabetes
patients. The 102 pairs sample were village health volunteers and diabetes patients with care
matched design. The research tools were 1) focus group plan, 2) village health volunteers knowledge
questionnaire, 3) diabetes patients knowledge and self-care questionnaire and 4) HbA1c record form.
The research conducted 2019–November 2022. The data analysis used descriptive, inferential
statistics and content analysis.
The results found that 1) the 1st doctor or village health volunteer according to the 3rd
Doctor project must be developed for help to resolve diabetic patients, 2) the mean score of the
village health volunteers knowledge about diabetic in after higher than before of the caring training,
significantly .01, 3) the mean scores of diabetes patients knowledge and diabetes patients self-care
in after higher than before of the care matched, significantly .01, and 4) the mean of HbA1c in after
lower than before of the care matched, significantly, 01. Village health volunteers had increased
knowledge and they could be to motivated, encouraged and provided the diabetes patients to care
with themselves for sustainable health.

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How to Cite
Sittapanich, S., Khosookh, J. ., chaiyamart, K. ., & Khansamrit, M. . (2023). The Effect of patient caring training program in village health volunteers on knowledge and self-care behaviors of diabetes patients in Yo primary care unit. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 24(2), 36–48. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Siraprapa Sittapanich, Kham khuean kaew Hospital

Dip. Thai Board of Family Medicine


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