Development of Oral Health Care System in Elderly in the Responsible Area of Khemarat Hospital

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Siriporn Hinsui


This study is research and development aim were: 1) to create the elderly oral health system and
2) to evaluate the outcomes of practice follow the elderly oral health system in the area responsible of
Khemarat Hospital. The samples were 26 public health personnel and 3,665 elderly. The research tools
were: 1) the focus group planning 2) the interview form 3) the operating procedures for issuing mobile units
according to the royal dental prosthesis project 4 ) the elderly oral problem assessment form 5) the
dental cleaning equipment and teeth model and 6) the computer with elderly data follow hospital
information system. The research four stages were: 1) studied the problems and needs of the dental
work group 2) developed an operating system for oral health care of the elderly 3) practiced follow operating system for oral health care of the elderly and 4) evaluated practices. This research conducted
September 2022 – February 2023. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used for data analysis.
The results showed: 1) the elderly accessed to serviced increased from 89.65 % to 98.82% 2) the elderly
got dentures insertion increased from 1.46% to 3.78% 3) the elderly had oral health problems decreased
from 51.95% to 20.35% 4) the elderly had gingivitis or periodontitis decreased from 70.77% to 42.45% 5)
the elderly had rocking teeth decreased from 2 0 . 4 0% to 11.02%. 6) the elderly had tooth decay
decreased from 47.12% to 17.98%. The public health personnel shared the opinion that the coordination
and public relations made the elderly received more serviced. In addition, the elderly and their relatives
were satisfied with the oral health care service system. Discover the best strategies for continuous process
improvement and extending the service to nearby sub-districts as well as the major benefits of this

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How to Cite
Hinsui, S. (2023). Development of Oral Health Care System in Elderly in the Responsible Area of Khemarat Hospital. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 25(1), 52–64. retrieved from


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