Factors Effecting Resignation of the Personnel Working in Yasothon Hospital

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Nongnut Tantiwathanasathian


Objective: This research examined the factors which effected the resignation decision of the personnel
working in Yasothon Hospital. The purpose of this research was to 1 ) the general information of the
personnel of the hospital and 2) the factors which effected the decision of their resignation. Data collection
process was conducted through questionnaire. Sampling respondents included 320 people from all working
positions in Yasothon hospital.
Method: The data were analyzed using statistical methodology consisted of the frequency distribution
computing, percentage, mean, standard deviation calculation. The analysis of coherence was conducted
through the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficients.
Results: The research results of the study of the personnel were based on the data obtained from 320
questionnaire respondents; 80. 9% of which were female at the age range of 3 0-3 9 years old (3 0. 0%).
The majority of the respondents earned bachelor degree; 61.9%. Considering their occupation, they mainly worked as civil servants; 52.8%, while others worked in different positions; 56.6%, large proportion. With
average salary of 10,001–30,000 baht (based on 44.1% of respondent). 44.6% of the respondents had
worked in the hospital for 1-10 years. 82.8% lived in Yasothon province. 53.1% were married.
Conclusion: The coefficient indicated that gender and age effected the resignation decision at the level of
significance of 0.05 The employment status, income, and working period length cohered with the decision
at the significance level of 0.01, Among the factors which do not affect the decision were education level,
job position, residential area, and marriage status. For both relevant factors as addressed by the result of
the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient analysis, the direction of coherence showed correlation
of the same direction. The hospital’s organizational factors which effected the decision included the stability
of hospital work, occupational progress opportunity, organizational policy with human resource
administration, and income/welfare. The statistical significance was stated at the level of 0.05 and 0.01 

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How to Cite
Tantiwathanasathian, N. (2023). Factors Effecting Resignation of the Personnel Working in Yasothon Hospital. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 24(2), 15–27. retrieved from https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hciyasohos/article/view/318


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