Cold Chain tracking in drug transport Erythropoietin in patients with end-stage renal impairment for kidney replacement therapy by peritoneal dialysis Yasothon Hospital

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Pantiva Wetchagama


The purpose of this Action Research was to monitor the temperature in the cold medicine bag.
Erythropoietin (EPO) when delivered to the network service unit in end-stage renal failure patients
undergoing renal replacement therapy with peritoneal dialysis. In which patients will inject the drug at a
network service center near their home, the transfer of EPO drugs is important. Because it is a high-priced
drug and must control the temperature of the drug during delivery to be appropriate between 2-8 degrees
Celsius to reduce the problem of drug deterioration. It also allows the use of drugs in this group of patients
with the most safety, accuracy and appropriateness. Started operation from October 2018 to January 2019,
the operation consisted of 1) planning, problem analysis The experiment was conducted to find the middle
value of the time for placing the thermometer in the cold medicine bag. 2) To find a way to deliver the
drug to the network service unit. and try to find the best way to dispense cold medicine to the network service unit. 3) by experimenting with 3 forms of drug storage in cold storage bags; cold chain erythropoietin
in method 2 into action 4) Experiment evaluation period. The sample was EPO cold pack used in end-stage
renal failure patients. A total of 50 papers were selectively selected from 168 voluntary participants in the
CAPD clinic. The EPO pocket temperature record form was designed to collect data to cover the effects of
temperature, duration, distance. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, and mean.
The results of the study compared the sensitivity of the hemodialysis unit thermometer with the
hospital. 2 places, between 10-30 minutes, form of EPO medicine bag to control the cold, size Width 14
cm. Length 22 cm. Height 15 cm. Put an ice pack. Length 21 cm. Height 10 cm., it can control the temperature
between 2-8

C for up to 7 hours. When the drug was delivered to the network service unit no later than 7
p.m., the initial temperature in the EPO bag was 5.48 ๐
C at the start of the hemodialysis unit. Most of the
network service units were between 2-8

C of 44 cases (88%), only 6 cases (12%) had EPO bag temperatures
> 8 ๐
C and had a mean delivery time of 5.07 hours.

Article Details

How to Cite
Wetchagama, P. (2022). Cold Chain tracking in drug transport Erythropoietin in patients with end-stage renal impairment for kidney replacement therapy by peritoneal dialysis Yasothon Hospital. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 24(1), 9–15. retrieved from


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