Head Active Model to competency and skill of nursing leadership for sub-head and senior nurses in Yasothon Hospital
Main Article Content
The objective of this action research was: 1) to develop “Head Active Model” with performance and
skill for senior and head nurse in Yasothon hospital. 2) Study result of “Head Active Model” with
performance and skill of nursing administration explore in senior and head nurse in Yasothon hospital. 2.1)
Study of nursing administration during the COVID-19 in-patient hall. 2.2) Evaluation nursing administration
during the COVID-19. The selective sample included 8 nurses of senior and head nurse in Yasothon hospital.
Data collection was done from 30th September 2021 to 30th April 2022. Research instruments were
consisted of 2 parts: 1) The preparedness nursing form was interview about nursing administration
preparedness during COVID-19, and 2) The interview form about self-performance and skill of senior and
head nurse in Yasothon hospital. The result showed that the development of Head Active Model with performance and skill for senior
and head nurse in Yasothon hospital. Subject showed recognition of themselves about performance and
efficacy of prepared according to situation
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