A study of the incidence and factors related to quality of life in psoriasis patients. in Yasothon Hospital

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Thanyanan Sritanyarat


Background and Rationale: Psoriasis is a common chronic skin disease. Currently, the study of information
on violence Prevalence and Incidence of Psoriasis Understanding the disease and quality of life of psoriasis
patients in Yasothon is still limited. and affect the lifestyle of the patient in various aspects
Objective:To study the incidence and quality of life of psoriasis patients, as well as to explore the problems
patients encountered in treatment.
Materials and Methods: This research was to analyze and determine the relationship between factors and
quality of life in psoriasis patients. A total of 128 psoriasis patients were interviewed and filled in a
questionnaire during a 6-month period who attended a dermatology outpatient clinic Yasothon hospital
between 1
st October 2021 to 31st March 2022.

Results: Of the 128 psoriasis patients, 74 (57.8%) were males with a mean age of 38.09. Chronic plaque type
(94.5%) is the majority characteristic of psoriasis types. It typically occurs on the extremities (98.4%). 15.6%
found psoriasis arthritis that the knuckles were the most painful area. Nail abnormalities were found up to
76.6%. 43.8% of psoriasis patients with moderate to severe psoriasis (> 10%BSA) took methotrexate. Factors
related severity of psoriasis are alcohol drinking and education of disease. Most patients had moderate DLQI
Conclusion:Psoriasis is a common chronic skin disease in general practice. Average PASI score in Yasothon
hospital is mild severity (PASI<10). Most patient had moderate affect to the quality of life. Educating psoriasis
patients is important to control severity and reduce complications from psoriasis.

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How to Cite
Sritanyarat, T. . (2022). A study of the incidence and factors related to quality of life in psoriasis patients. in Yasothon Hospital. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 24(1), 61–77. retrieved from https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hciyasohos/article/view/330


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