Risk Factors for admission in pediatric with acute asthmatic attack in Yasothon Hospital

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Tanaporn Nitchapanit


Background: Acute asthmatic attacks in pediatric patients are one of the leading causes of emergency room
visits. If the risk factors for admission of the pediatric patient are known, this will lead to early management
and reduce admission rate.
Objective: This study aimed to identify risk factors for hospital admission of acute asthma exacerbation in
pediatric patients.
Method of study: Retrospective descriptive study collecting data from medical records of pediatric patients
6–15 years of age diagnosed with acute asthmatic attacks. Between 1st October 2018 to 30th September
2021, purposing sampling was selected medical records to study. The registration data consisted of
demographic data, triggers of asthma exacerbation, asthma history, clinical presentation at initial assessment and management at an emergency room. The data of admitted and non-admitted patients were compared
and analyzed to identify risk factors for admission.
Results: A total of 180 patients met the criteria and were included in this study. Of the 90 pediatric patients
were admitted, and 90 pediatric patients were non-admitted. Regarding the patients ’demographic data and
asthma history were not different between the admitted and non-admitted groups. In term of clinical
presentation, patients admitted group had, the duration of asthma attack before visited emergency room
was longer (OR 2.44, 95%CI 1.94- 3.6, p < 0.01), clinical more severe asthma exacerbation (OR 2.14, 95%CI
1.64- 2.6, p < 0.01) and received a nebulized β2-agonist bronchodilator for longer periods between doses
than the non-admitted group. (OR 2.28, 95%CI 1.82- 3.3, p < 0.01)
Conclusion: Risk factors for admission in pediatric patients with acute asthma exacerbation was long
duration of asthma attack before visited emergency room. Specific clinical marker for admission were severe
of asthma exacerbation and had longer interval between dosing nebulized β2-agonist bronchodilator than
the non-admitted group. 

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How to Cite
Nitchapanit, T. . (2022). Risk Factors for admission in pediatric with acute asthmatic attack in Yasothon Hospital. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 24(1), 78–87. retrieved from https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hciyasohos/article/view/331


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