Nursing care of The Patient Malignant Neoplasm of Breast Cancer in Community: A Case Study

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Amporn Yukhong


Breast cancer is the cell of the breast tissue that contains internal changes which caused the changes to
grow so rapidly that the body cannot be controlled. Cell would divide and destroy nearby tissues and organs
and could also spread to other organs such as liver and lungs until they become malfunction and enters
the final stage of cancer. In addition, the presence of co-morbidities such as diabetes and pulmonary
tuberculosis, which ultimately leads to death. This inflicts both physical and mental suffering of the patient
including the mental state within family members. Therefore, providing community-based nursing care for
final stage cancer patients with other diseases by continuing care with continual home visits from the service center to home and community, resulting in patients and families receive holistic care and improve good
quality of life that depends on the conditions of the disease at the present time.
Case study: This study was of late-stage cancer patients with co-morbidities of diabetes and pulmonary
tuberculosis treated with surgery and chemotherapy at Ubonratchathani Cancer Hospital, the treatment
plan was 6 consecutive chemotherapy sessions, each 4 weeks apart. INHOMEBESS treatment plan was
implemented according to medical implementation which covered physical, mental, social, spiritual and
economic aspects. And providing nursing care in the community by following home visits since the postoperative period, preparation before chemotherapy treatment, post-chemotherapy care including giving
advice on self-care for patient's ongoing co-morbidities. Observation of disease complications, continuation
and consistent following up with patients of advance appointments and solving problems according to plan
and conditions encountered.
Results: Patients recovered from problems encountered and other illnesses and accepted terms of period
of disease. With morale support, they were able to follow any advice appropriately according to the
problem. Patients' relatives understood treatment guidelines and were able to provide care and live with
the patient.
Conclusion: Nursing care of final cancer patients, those nursing caregivers must have knowledge of
pathology and treatment guidelines. Providing appropriate advice with ongoing problems and diseases,
providing holistic nursing by encouraging participation of family and relatives in planning continuity care
from hospital to family and community, these would bring about good quality of life to patients and family
according to the condition of the illness. Theses would result in achieving goals of palliative final stage care.

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How to Cite
Yukhong, A. . (2022). Nursing care of The Patient Malignant Neoplasm of Breast Cancer in Community: A Case Study. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 24(1), 88–97. retrieved from


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