Nursing care of acute myocardial infarction patients: 2 Case Studies

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Narichara Krotpratum


Acute myocardial infarction was an important cause of death in Thailand due to cardiovascular disease. It is
a crisis that causes a sudden death of patient AMI is a life heart muscle is abruptly cut off, causing tissue
damage. This is usually the result of the blockage in the one more of the coronary arteries, on MI can lead
to a number of serious complications. The key is to reperfuse the heart and restore blood flow. The early
liner the treatment less than 6 hours from symptom onset the better the prognosis.
Result: The study of Myocardial Infarction patients 2 cases. It was found that the case study 1, A 53-yearold Thai male patient. There was chest tightness on the right side, anguished to the jaw, tiredness and
Dyspnea for1 hour before treatment. There was chest tightness on the right side while walking. The patient
denied any underlying disease, treatment by used Streptokinase. During Streptokinase, there wasn’t any
complicated and provided nursing care according to the treatment plan. The case study 2, A 58-year-old
Thai male patient. There was chest tightness on the right side, anguished to the neck, Fatigue and Dyspnea
for 2 hours before treatment. treatment by used Streptokinase. There was complicated Hypotension during
Streptokinase and provided nursing care according to the treatment plan. 2 case patients were referred to
be treated in the ward CCU at Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani. 

Conclusion: The patient care of crisis, acute myocardial infarction, nurse have an important role of
evaluation and screening the patient currently and quickly when a patient arrived at the hospital. This makes
the patient receive a current diagnosis and get a faster treatment with a thrombolytic drug. The nurse must
have knowledge of drug management and always monitor abnormality that may occur in patient since they
arrive at the hospital, unit transfer to another hospital. This treatment makes the patient survive more.

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How to Cite
Krotpratum, N. . (2022). Nursing care of acute myocardial infarction patients: 2 Case Studies. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 24(1), 88–97. retrieved from



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