The Effect of motivational conversation program training in nurses on knowledge and Self-care behaviors of patients with diabetic

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Poobalt Phattanakorn Poobalt Phattanakorn


Motivational conversation enabling diabetic patients to take care of themselves and change their health
behaviors. This study is quasi experimental design aim to study 1) study the problems and needs for the
development of nurses' potential to enable them in motivationconversations 2) develop the potential of nurses
to be able to have motivation conversations 3) study the effects of motivation conversations on knowledge
and self-care behaviors in diabetic patients and 4) HbA1c and eGFR. Samples were 10 nurse Practitioners
and 100 diabetic patients. The research tools were 1) focus group plan 2) nurse knowledge questionnaire 3 )
knowledge and self-care behaviors of diabetes patients questionnaire and 4) HbA1c and eGFR record form.
Research conducted September 2019–March 2022. Data analysis using descriptive, inferential statistics and
content analysis.
The results 1) 100% of nurses wanted to develop their potential for motivational conversations 2) the
mean score of nurses knowledge about conversational motivation in after higher than before of the training,
score significantly at .01 and had one motivational conversation program 3) the mean scores of patient program, significant at .01 and the mean eGFR in after higher than before of the motivational conversation program,
significantly at .01, and 100% of diabetic patients were satisfied with the motivational conversation program. 
diabetes knowledge in after higher than before of the motivational conversation program, score significantly
at .01 and the mean scores of self-care behaviors after higher than before of the motivational conversation program,
score significantly at .01 4 ) the mean of HbA1c in after lower than before the motivational conversation

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How to Cite
Poobalt Phattanakorn, P. P. (2022). The Effect of motivational conversation program training in nurses on knowledge and Self-care behaviors of patients with diabetic. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 24(1), 106–115. retrieved from


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