The Holistic nursing of high-risk cataracts surgery at Yasothon Hospital: 2 case studies

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Piamsri khamthawee


Cataracts are the number one cause of blindness in the world and often affect the elderly. Most of the
reasons Caused by age-related macular degeneration and risk factors for cataracts, such as high cholesterol,
diabetes, malnutrition, smoking, steroid medication, ultraviolet rays, concussion or injury to the eye, etc.
Objective: To provide patients with comprehensive medical care and to compare 2 case studies.
Methods of study: This was a comparative study in 2 case studies of cataract surgery patients in the
monastic ward, Yasothon Hospital. It is a collection of information from history, physical examination,
laboratory examination medical treatment, medical records, symptom observation, questionnaires and
interactions with patients and their relatives. Study period December 2019 to June 2020.

Results: The same problem among patients was 1 ) anxiety about surgery 2 ) Risk of not being ready for
surgery 3) Risk of accidents, falling, walking, hitting things due to blurred vision 4) Eye strain due to surgical
incisions 5 ) Risk of intraocular infection 6 ) Risk of hypochondria Hyperglycemia, Hypoglycemia 7 ) Patients
and caregivers lack skills to take care of themselves when returning home.For different problems and needs,
Case 1 is 1) Risk of intraocular lens dislocation 2) was unable to take care of herself when returning home,
while in the second case, there were different problems, namely 1) having high intraocular pressure 2) Risk
of retinal detachment from this study, it was found that after nursing a cataract surgery patient while in the
hospital, by providing nursing care according to the nursing process and apply holistic nursing theory
DMETHOD DISTRIBUTION PLANNING Patients and caregivers relieve anxiety with surgery to cooperate in
medical treatment safe from complications able to return to normal society Received good care and
assistance from the community and health network partners. Able to practice self-care appropriately.
Conclusion: Cataract surgery patients, there are different complications and causes. Nurses need to be
competent in the assessment. Early diagnosis of risk branch team Profession for correct and timely resolution
of complications coupled with the use of evidence-based nursing practice guidelines to provide nursing care for
cataract surgery patients effectively. This will result in a reduction in the rate of preventable complications.

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How to Cite
khamthawee, P. . (2022). The Holistic nursing of high-risk cataracts surgery at Yasothon Hospital: 2 case studies. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 24(1), 125–132. retrieved from


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