Effective of Mammogram BI-RADS 4B and 4C to Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Yasothon Hospital

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Luxanawadee Mahiwan


A Retrospective cohort study of this study was used to identify the prevalence of breast cancer,
the correlation and effectiveness of BIRADS 4B and 4C mammograms with ultrasound to breast cancer
diagnosis. Collected data from medical records of patients admitted in Yasothon hospital during 2021-
2022. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, multiple logistic regression, Chi-square test, Fisher
exacts test and analyze sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. The results showed that most of the 115
women with B-IRADS 4B and 4C by mammograms with ultrasound were 40-59 years old, 56.5% (Mean=
51, S.D.=11.7) BI-RADS 4B had breast cancer prevalence of 18.2% (95%CI=7.8, 28.6), BI-RADS 4C was 88.3%
(95%CI=80.0, 96.6). The characteristics of mammograms with ultrasound associated with breast cancer
(p-value<0.05) were abnormal margin, calcification, internal vascularity, pathological lymph node and
cyst. Factors associated with breast cancer were significantly include BI-RADS 4C were 46.2 times more
likely to breast cancer when compared with BI-RADS 4B (p-value<0.001), and age was significantly
associated with breast cancer (p-value<0.001), with older people having a greater chance of developing
breast cancer increase accordingly. The effectiveness of mammograms with ultrasound to breast cancer
diagnosis it was found that BI-RADS 4C had a sensitivity of 84.1%, specificity 88.3%, positive predictive
value 88.3%, predictive value. Negative 81.8% and accuracy 85.2%, which are better or effective in
predicting the chances of breast cancer more than BI-RADS 4B, and better than BI-RADS 4C with other
studies. The result show that the mammogram with ultrasound from this study it has a high level of
effectiveness. It can be used to plan for the diagnosis of breast cancer in suspected patients by biopsy
and planning to treatment

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How to Cite
Mahiwan, L. . (2023). Effective of Mammogram BI-RADS 4B and 4C to Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Yasothon Hospital. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 25(1), 4–14. retrieved from https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hciyasohos/article/view/346


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