The Effect of Nursing Care Model for Stroke Fast Track Care System in Emergency Department Loengnoktha Crown Prince Hospital, Yasothon
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This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effect of nursing care model for stroke fast
track care system in emergency department Loengnoktha Crown Prince Hospital, Yasothon province. This
research was studied in 2 population groups; twenty male and female stroke patients aged 18 years and
over who received stroke fast track care system and the group of service providers is a professional nurse
who works in emergency department Loengnoktha Crown Prince Hospital, 12 people were selected by
a specific sample group (Purposive sampling). The tools consisted of: Professional Nurse Knowledge
Development Project Practice Guidelines for Stroke Nursing in fast track care system 2 . Tools used for
data collection including the assessment form for the administration of fibrinolytic drugs Stroke
knowledge test form and a nurse satisfaction assessment form check the quality of the tool using
Cronbach's alpha in evaluating satisfaction, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .81. The KR-20 was used in
the knowledge assessment form and was equal to .8 8 . Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics,
including percentage, mean and deviation. Standardized and used Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed-Rank
Test. Data were collected during January 12 to March 31, 2023.
The results of the study showed that 1. Patients consisted of 1) stroke fast track access of stroke
patients increased 2) average time to receive rt-PA fibrinolytic drugs in stroke patients fast track that can
provide anticoagulant drugs 2 . Personnel: 1) the professional nurses' satisfaction was at a high level 2)
stroke knowledge of nurses increased and 3 ) compliance with the guidelines for thrombolytic therapy
(rt-PA). Comply with the guidelines more.
The conclusion effect of nursing care model for stroke fast track care system led to good results,
increase access to the stroke fast track, allowing patients to receive fibrinolytic drugs faster. Personnel
satisfaction and knowledge increase.
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