Development of Nursing Model for Stroke Patients at Patiu Hospital
Main Article Content
This research is research and development. The objective of this research was to develop and
study the effectiveness of the nursing model for patients with acute ischemic stroke, Patiu Hospital.
Study between October 2022 – 31 March 2023 perform 4 stages. The first phase is the situation study,
the second phase is the development of the nursing model, the third phase is implementation, and the
fourth phase is evaluation. Specifically selected samples were 1) 25 patients with acute ischemic stroke
2) service providers were 10 professional nurses. The tools used in the research were the competency
development program for registered nurses and nursing practice guidelines. The quality of the content
was directly examined by 5 experts. The tools used for data collection were (1) the medical quality
record form, (2) the personnel satisfaction questionnaire test of confidence got Cronbach's alpha
coefficient for the whole edition .81 and (3) registered nurse knowledge scale confidence test with KR20 equal to .88. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and differences were compared by pair
The results showed that 1) the nursing model for acute ischemic stroke patients consisted of the
professional nurse competency development program and the network. And nursing practice guidelines
for acute ischemic stroke patients 2) the effectiveness of the model consisted of: (1) Nursing quality
outcomes, knowledge of professional nurses; satisfaction of registered nurses and compliance with
nursing practice guidelines. (2) Health service outcomes were 1) emergency medical service call 1669 2)
stroke fast tract 3) duration of patient care from onset of symptoms until removal from the emergency
room. It was found that 1669 emergency medical service calls increased, increased access to
expressways. And the duration of care for patients from the onset of symptoms until being moved out
of the emergency room was reduced.
Conclusions on the development of nursing system for acute ischemic stroke patients produce
good results increased access to the stroke fast track, which led to more patients being treated with the
fibrinolytic drug rt-PA.
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World Stroke Organization. World stroke campaign [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2022 Aug 3]. Available
from: world-stroke-campaign
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