The Development of Evaluating Practice Guideline for Neonatal Jaundice Yasothon Hospital

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Monthathip Yungmee
Watcharawan Changaew
Jiraporn Hemmala


Jaundice is commonly found in newborns. It must be assessed and treated promptly to prevent brain damage. This research aimed to develop a guideline for assessing jaundice and examine the effects of implementing the guideline. The sample consisted of 240 newborns and postpartum mothers at Yasothon Hospital and 8 professional nurses. The study was conducted from 1 December 2020 to 31 May 2021. Research tools include evaluating practice guidelines for Neonatal Jaundice, evaluating of the results of using the guidelines, assessment of compliance with evaluating practice guidelines for Neonatal Jaundice form. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage, average and standard deviation.

The results that the evaluating practice guideline for Neonatal Jaundice. It consists of 3 parts: 1) the risk of Jaundice assessment. 2) Systematic classification of risk groups 3) Preparation of care and assistance at each level. The result of guideline indicated that 3.4% in primigravidarum of neonatal jaundice in mother's womb. 8.5% in Maternal Caesarean section (C-section). 9.0% in maternal milk flow less than level 3. Neonatal Jaundice has to be on phototherapy in 6.7%. The average weight loss is 6.4% (SD=1.3). The mean Bilirubin is 14.3 mg/dl (SD=1.1) and compliance is 88.0%.

Conclusion is the developed practice guideline can assess neonatal jaundice accurately and quickly. Microbilirubin (MB) values ​​are within the range that do not cause harm, which reduces the number of infants requiring phototherapy and promotes mothers’ adequate milk supply. This guideline is suitable for implementation in neonatal care units.

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How to Cite
Yungmee, M. ., Changaew, W. ., & Hemmala, J. . (2023). The Development of Evaluating Practice Guideline for Neonatal Jaundice Yasothon Hospital. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 25(2), 4–16. retrieved from
Author Biographies

Monthathip Yungmee, Yasothon hospital

Registered Nurse in Morakot Private Ward

Watcharawan Changaew, Yasothon hospital

Registered Nurse in Morakot Private Ward

Jiraporn Hemmala, Yasothon hospital

Morakot Private Ward


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