Factors Related to the Need for Care by Family Physician Care Team of the Stroke Caregivers in Area of Responsibility of the 50th Anniversary Mahavajiralongkorn Hospital Ubon Ratchathani Province
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Background: Stroke is a disease that, although not fatal, But it caused misery from disability. Which requires the help of others throughout life Long-term care will affect the quality of life of patients and their families. The caregiver is the person who bears the burden of helping meet various needs. Which will be more or less on each side that is different.
Study style: cross-sectional analytical study
Objective: To study the ability to care for stroke patients family relationship and the need for care by family physicians of stroke caregivers. Factors related to the need for care by a family physician team of caregivers of stroke patients in the care area of the 50th Anniversary Mahavajiralongkorn Hospital Ubon Ratchathani Province.
Methods: The demographic is caregivers of stroke patients with a Barthel ADL Index score ≤11 and residing in the hospital's area of the 50th Anniversary Mahavajiralongkorn Hospital Ubon Ratchathani Province are 180 peoples. Data were collected from December 2022 to May 2023 and analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation and test statistics, namely Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Chi-square test.
Results: The sample group had the need for care by the family doctor team in all aspects at a high level. Considering each aspect, it was found that the sample group, who were caregivers, needed spiritual empowerment by the family medical team the most. Followed by health care needs and mental support needs. The subjects had very good and good family relationships (56.0% and 42.4%, respectively), and most had low stress (53.6%). Previous experience in caring for patients was related to the need for care by the family medical team. (P-value=0.018). Caregivers' age was at a low negative correlation with the need for care by family physicians. There was a statistical significance at the 0.01 level (r=-0.274, p=0.002), and caregiver stress had a low positive correlation with the need for care by the family physician team. Statistically significant at the 0.01 level (r=0.265, p=0.003). The family medical team should take positive measures that foster spiritual energy for caregivers and patient care skill training for caregivers of stroke patients on a regular basis
Conclusion: The sample group had overall need for care by the family doctor team at a high level. There was a positive correlation between caregivers' stress and needs for care by the family medical team. And it was found that the number of hours caring for patients per day, family relationships, and ability to care for patients. There was no correlation with the need for care by the family physician team of stroke caregivers.
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