The Development of Nursing Practice Guideline for Patient with Sepsis in Emergency Department Yasothon Hospital

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Sasithon Nontapa


The aims of this research and develop study were to develop a nursing practice guideline for patient with sepsis (NPG-Sepsis) in the emergency department (ED), Yasothon hospital, Yasothon province. The study was conducted from October 2022 to February 2023 and was divided in to four phases as follows. Phase 1 was qualitative Phase 2 was using little patient group development and implementation.  Phase 3 were the development of the NPG-Sepsis Phase 4 was using and evaluation of the NPG-Sepsis using a quasi-experiment, two-groups, pre-and post-test. The participants were a group of 80 patients and retrospective medical records of 74 patients and 18 ED nurses as providers. The data were collected the data record sheets and questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, t-test and chi-square. 

Results: The NPG-Sepsis of ED, Yasothon hospital was covered the four periods of sepsis nursing care consisted of screening and initial assessment, initial nursing interventions, continuing of sepsis nursing care for deterioration monitoring and detection, and the disposition care for hospitalization. Nursing outcomes evaluation regarding the patient outcomes and health care provider outcomes. The NPG-sepsis reduced the average times for screening and initial assessment for sepsis fast track within 8 minutes (Mean = 7.02), accessing to hemo culture and sensitivity (Hemo C/S) test within 22 minutes (Mean = 21.11) and accessing to antibiotic drugs within 37 minutes. (Mean = 36.56) Post-implementation found that the time to Hemo C/S was statistically significantly decreased at p< .01, while patients receiving fluid resuscitation was statistically significantly higher at p< .05, compared to those at before using the NPG-Sepsis. In term of the health care provider outcomes, the participants reported that the NPG-Sepsis was effective and the nursing care interventions of each period of care were well-developed and work well in practice at the most-practical. The satisfaction level towards the NPG-Sepsis also were high.

Conclusion: The PNG-Sepsis developed consisted of the nursing interventions that help improve the nursing outcomes, reduced septic shock at a 6 hour targeted treatment and reduced the 24 hour mortality rate.

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How to Cite
Nontapa, S. . (2023). The Development of Nursing Practice Guideline for Patient with Sepsis in Emergency Department Yasothon Hospital. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 25(2), 69–85. retrieved from
Author Biography

Sasithon Nontapa, Yasothon hospital

Emergency Nursing Department


World Health Organization. Improving the prevention, diagnosis and clinical management of sepsis [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2022 Sep 20]. Available from:

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