The Effectiveness of Development in Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines for Pediatric Patients Received Heated Humidified High Flow Nasal Cannula in Mahasarakham Hospital
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This research is a research and development. The objective is to develop clinical nursing practices for patients. Children with Impending respiratory failure who have been treated with a heated humidified high flow nasal cannula (HHHFNC) and study the effectiveness of the use of MSKH PEWS (Pediatric early warning score) for patients aged 1-5 years. Pediatric Group, Mahasarakham hospital the research example is a pediatric patient who are service in the pediatric ward and 26 specific samples are divided into 2 groups. The first group 13 pediatric patient who have been treated with high flow oxygen before guideline and the second is the 13 pediatric patients who have been treated with high flow oxygen guideline after the practice. The research tool consists of 1) clinical nursing guidelines for children who have been treated with heated humidified high flow nasal cannula, 2) general data records and 3) patient change surveillance records using descriptive statistical. The Data were analyzed using descriptive and t-test statistics. The results revealed that: 1) the developed clinical nursing practice guidelines heated humidified high flow nasal cannula good content validity and it was appropriate and possible for implementing in order to achieve desired outcomes and 2) the mean score of length of stay and medical fee were significantly different at the p=.05 level between pre and post development of the clinical nursing practice guidelines.
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