Factor Associated with Pneumonia of Covid-19 Patients in Kittrong Hospitel and Factor Associated with Referral of Covid-19 Patients in Kittrong Hospitel for Hospitalization
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COVID-19 is a contagious disease caused by the recently discovered coronavirus called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2, is spreading rapidly, many critically ill patients and deaths have been found around the world. For outbreaks in Thailand during April 2021 to October 2021 there were 1,883,161 cumulative confirmed cases and 19,111 deaths. This retrospective analytic studies aimed to investigate factors that correlate with the occurrence of pneumonia in COVID-19 patients admitted to Kittrong Hospitel and factors that correlate with referral of COVID-19 patients admitted to Kittrong Hospitel for hospitalization. Study medical records of COVID-19 patients admitted to Kittrong Hospitel during 26 July 2021 to 9 January 2022. A total of 766 specific samples were selected based on disease investigation reports and and data from inpatient medical records scanned in HosXP system. Data was analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics by analyzing correlation with Chi-square, (p<.05) and logistic regression analysis presented odds ratio with a confidence interval of 95% CI, p<.05. Statistically significant (p-value <0.05) were 40-59 years old (ORadj=2.53; 95%CI=1.45-4.39), having underlying disease (ORadj=2.27; 95%CI=1.22-4.20), having Diabetes mellitus (ORadj=4.35; 95%CI=1.72-11.01). Factors associated with referral for hospitalization of COVID-19 patients statistically significant (p-value <0.05) were having pneumonia (ORadj=5.62; 95%CI=2.48-12.73). According to the results of the research, patients with underlying diseases, especially diabetes mellitus are risk group that should provide knowledge to prevent COVID-19 infection and monitor for pneumonia in patients with COVID-19. This group is aware of and prioritize the issue of screening patients for admission to Hospitel, providing appropriate care, treatment for both COVID-19 and underlying disease, and patient with pneumonia should consider referring for hospitalization if they have more severe symptoms.
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