Results of the Self-Care Health Care Program for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Nong Phueng Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, Saraphi District, Chiang Mai Province
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The purpose of this research was to study and compare self-care behavior scores. Diabetes knowledge score and HbA1C of diabetic patients before and after using the self-care program between October - November 2023, this research is a quasi-experimental research with two groups: Experimental group and control group, 35 people per group, results measured before and after the experiment (Two Groups Pretest and Posttest Design). The experimental group will receive a self-care health care program. As prepared by the researcher and the control group received normal care. The research period was 12 weeks. The tools used in the research included 1) self-care program for diabetic patients, 2) behavior assessment form, 3) diabetes knowledge assessment form, 4) HBA1C recording form. Check the quality by checking the validity of the content by 3 experts. 1) Behavioral assessment form confidence test the whole Cronbach's alpha coefficient was obtained at 0.85. 2) Diabetes knowledge assessment form used the KR-20 with a value of 0.60. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and differences were compared using paired t-test statistics and independent t- test.
The results of the study found that 1) the scores for all aspects of health care behavior were at the very good level, significantly higher than before using the program at the 0.05 level 2) self-care behavior of diabetic patients after using the program between the experimental group and control group It was found that the experimental group after using the self-care health care program scores of all aspects of health care behavior were at a very good level. Where the highest rated aspect was prevention of complications. And general self-care. 3) Knowledge scores of diabetic patients in the experimental group had higher knowledge scores about diabetes than before the experiment. Significantly at the .05 level, while the control group's diabetes knowledge scores were not significantly different. 4) HbA1C in the experimental group, it was found that the experimental group had decreased than before the experiment significant at the .05 level.
Summary: The results of the self-care program for patients with type 2 diabetes in good results, that is, patients had more knowledge about diabetes. Makes every aspect of health care behavior at a very good level, higher than before use As a result, And HbA1C decreases.
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