Development of Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Prevention in Medical Intensive Care Unit 2 Department Yasothon Hospital

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Naree Singhathep
Jirawan Suntara
Wilawan Makool


This research is research and development. The objective is to development of clinical nursing practice guideline for ventilator associated pneumonia prevention in Medical Intensive Care Unit 2 department and development project to create nurse practice recommendations and assess the outcomes of using them in order to prevent pneumonia from using a ventilator at Yasothon Hospital’s Medical Intensive Care Unit 2, measurements were made both before and after the experiment, from December 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023. There was a sample group of 20 professional nurses. 70 cases and patients using ventilators among the research instruments are the following: a form for documenting patient information and a set of nursing practice guidelines for preventing pneumonia when using a ventilator. Form for the Nurse's Record Evaluation of adherence to recommendations for avoiding pneumonia from using mechanical ventilation. As well as the nurses' knowledge assessment form frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used to examine the data.

Study results: a statistically significant improvement in nurses' knowledge scores was seen, rising from an average of 8.7 points to 9.8 points. And has received a compliance score for all activities regarding the use of a ventilator in preventing pneumonia. The most useful ones are the puncture wound care, hand washing, mouth and teeth cleaning, and wean ventilator 100%. Complete neck the activities that have the second highest percentage of practices are: suctioning secretions above the cuff, measuring the distance between beds, and recording and assessing VAP (94.28%). The least practical activities are sterile technique prevention (88.57%), and so on. After using a ventilator for 1,000 days, the incidence of pneumonia dropped from 7.3 to 5.91 times per 1,000 days. The overall guidelines were highly regarded by nurses. (x̄ =4.7, SD=0.2)

Summary: In order to avoid ventilator-associated pneumonia, use the developed nursing guidelines. Also, using a ventilator to treat pneumonia is a risk that can be avoided with proper nursing care. The risk of pneumonia associated with ventilator use situated in Yasothon Hospital's Medical Intensive Care Unit 2. As such, it is appropriate for applying the guidelines in hospitals that treat patients who need to be on ventilators.


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How to Cite
Singhathep, N. ., Suntara, J. ., & Makool, W. . (2023). Development of Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Prevention in Medical Intensive Care Unit 2 Department Yasothon Hospital. YASOTHON MEDICAL JOURNAL, 25(3), 103–126. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Naree Singhathep, Yasothon Hospital, Yasothon Province

Registered Nurse, Medical Intensive Care Unit 2 Department

Jirawan Suntara, Yasothon Hospital, Yasothon Province

Registered Nurse, Medical Intensive Care Unit 2 Department

Wilawan Makool, Yasothon Hospital, Yasothon Province

Registered Nurse, Medical Intensive Care Unit 2 Department


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